Exciting NEW UPDATES You’ve Been Requesting!

We’ve received several emails lately requesting some new recurring time options:

Hello Conrad,

Is it possible to send non recurring email? I’m planning to setup an IT calendar with all the deadlines for user accounts, license expirations etc…

I don’t need recurrence of email but an email sent as a reminder.

And another,

I am having one issue and this is purely the way I schedule jobs and not an issue with your software. What you have is the ability to send every (1), (2), (3) or (4) weeks. Sometimes there are extra days and even a fifth week that throws everything off. What I need and would like to see as an addition to your software is a way to schedule by choosing first, second, third or fourth followed by the day of the week. So what you would end up with is “first Wednesday” of the month, “second Monday” of the month and possibly “first and third Tuesday” of the month etc…

And another,

What would actually work best for us is to be able to send an email on say a specific Tuesday of every month as an example. These emails are for monthly server updates and our schedule adheres to that. 3rd Wednesday, 4thTuesday, etc. If I could send the emails like this that would work best. As is, I will have to log in every month and reset the days they send out.

We figured for every person who asked, there were at least 50 others who could use the feature but wouldn’t ask for it. So Conrad got to work immediately and added two new timing features that we think are great.
One time only send
The first is a one-time send option. If you have a non-recurring reminder or email, you can now click the “One Time Only” box on your toolbar and… yep. It will only send once.
The other feature he added was a bit more complicated, but opens up a whole slew of new send options.
First Weekday of the month
Now you can select the first, second, third, fourth, and even fifth weekday of the month (example: first Sunday, third Thursday, Fifth Saturday, etc.).
Already, we’ve received several emails expressing thanks for the service and these new features.
Dear Conrad,
I just wanted to thank you for sendrecurring.com. I need to track a few things and I created forms to do it, and I just send the URL to myself every day. That way I fill out the form every day and I never forget!
I’ve been using it for months now and I have a great dataset.
Thanks so much.

And another,

Wow, lighting fast. Well done!

Really appreciated.

And another,

Wow, that was pretty fast. I was expecting a much longer delay.

Thanks for that really super fast update, that was fantastic.

Guys, here’s the thing. If you send Conrad an email requesting a new feature, expressing a concern, or asking a question about Sendrecurring, he’ll get back to you really fast and fix the problem. Usually within a couple hours, but if not, it’s almost always the same day. So shoot your questions (and compliments?) over to conrad@sendrecurring.com and he’ll send a speedy reply. If we’re able to fix a bug or add a feature because you brought it to our attention, we’ll probably feature your question on the blog, which actually ends up helping lots of people!

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